experimental cinema
Dada and Surrealist Films


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-present reality
-desire to identify with film characters
-self referential

dada artifacts=19c techonological fantacies...?

watching films as Dada, not watching Dada films

cinema -- photo montage
-- metamechanics

object/subject of perception

exploitation of the tyranny of total vision

physicality, the body presence of the audience

devaluation of matters thru perfect reproductions.

essay on Marcel Duchamp

essay ob L'Age d'or


-film = material
-rejected impressionist films
-rely on characters, narratives
-disrupt sympolic order

surrealist films--dream/unconciousness
--writing ..materiality of films

films racontes-->decanpage format-->cine roman

silent cinema - free from conventional language=rational descourse, norms, limits

"another coneception of human"

sound cinema--access to the reality but presents false ones..

"film pur"
